Things break a lot
This is the main river that runs through Dili. During the dry season it is completely dry. The rainy season started out slow this year but now it's back to normal. This spillway is important because it keeps the riverbed at the right height to support the main Bridge which is at the top of the picture. Two days ago the spillway gave away. Now as you can see behind it the riverbed is quite a bit lower. Almost all of the infrastructure here is very old with no maintenance or improvements. When things break they usually stay broken and when things start to deteriorate they don't get repaired and they continue to fall apart. A portion of the sidewalk that goes along the beach has recently been reclaimed by the ocean. This is in front of the US Embassy. Even though we arrived here with most of the pages in our passport empty are passports are almost full. This is because we only get 30 day visas. Fortunately we can get new passports from the US Embassy, which is only a blo...