Dinner with our neighbors

This is the Beach Walk sidewalk. Not much maintenance in the last year so things have started to erode.
This is Tim Davis he is from Texas A&M University. He has an instructor and department head in some sort of agricultural specialty. He comes to timor-leste occasionally and puts on training seminars. He is a member of the church and always tries to make it on Sunday. This is the second time he's been here since we've been in the country.
Two fishing boats out for evening fishing.
 This is one of the open sewers by our house. They use it to wash the taxis and small buses. The washers will dip their buckets into the water and then throw it against the vehicle. Whenever we walk by we try and make sure we don't get splashed.

After our Tuesday and Thursday English classes we have the taxi drop us off at a restaurant close to home. We then have about a mile walk along the beach. This is one of our walks. They are wonderful.
There are lots of embassies  and consulates in the country. There are about 5 or 6 within a mile of our house. We're not even sure what some of them are nor do we recognize the flags
This is another Embassy flag
Here is an embassy flag that we can't figure out
The church has a wall around it and a locking gate. This is a picture of the rear wall. You can see the pieces of glass that have been cemented into the wall.

One of the ngos that we contract with to do work has one of their management that lives in our complex. He invited us over to dinner with his family. His name is Edmund and her name is Angelica. The children's names are Gaara and Kal. Wonderful family.


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