The rain has started again
There was a large gathering for a funeral Memorial. Some off-duty policeman were in attendance. A fight broke out. During the fight the lights in the area went out. One of the off-duty policeman, who was drunk, then fired randomly into the crowd. 5 people died and about that many more were wounded. This picture was the next day where students protested the police violence. This tragedy took place about 5 miles from our apartment. After almost a year of no budget the parliament passed a budget for the end of 2018. There is still no budget for 2019. This has caused considerable hardship in the country. Many people have gone without wages and many benefits have not been paid. In the middle of this the parliament decided to trade in their used car Fleet and purchase a new Fleet of new vehicles. This announcement caused student protests. The protests are generally always peaceful. The embassy does warn us to stay out of the area. No one ever seems to get hurt or injured. Sometimes ro...