Getting around.
This is the sunrise from our morning run. Every day is almost like this. Best sunrises ever We eat out about 5 days a week. Eating out isn't too expensive. This is the road home. We are buddies with all the kids. They're all very friendly. I had another meeting with the u.s. ambassador to Timor-Leste. This time it was with me and only 5 other people. The Ambassador wanted our impression of security and problems in the nation. I was really out of place. The other three Worden all were associated with larger companies and had been in the country for 3 or 4 years. I guess the important thing is that now I have a relationship with the Ambassador in case there are future needs. This is the water tank at church. Because the water pressure is so poor all buildings have to have their own gravity fed tank so that water will consistently flow. Whenever we have any activity at the building we first have to plug in the pump so it starts to refill the tank. The country hasn...