Arrival in the mission home
Soon we will be there. Name badges for the church in general and ones for humanitarian service. We arrived late for dinner and so had the whole cafeteria to ourselves. We are not quite sure what language our ministerial certificates are in. We think it's Indonesian. Today Cheryl and I gave our farewell talks in church. We spoke with Kristen Rafael who was leaving for the Cape Verde mission. Cheryl and I will be at the mission training center in Provo Utah for 3 weeks. We will then return home until December 4th and then leave directly tour mission assignment in timor-leste. We are called to a 23-month humanitarian Services mission. Timor-leste is an island country between Australia and Indonesia. One half of the island the nation occupied by Indonesia. The timor-leste part of the island is about 30 miles wide and 100 miles long. There are only three other sisters and six other children who are members of the church on the island. The island is not open for prosel l...